Bad news unfortunately

Unfortunately we have some bad news to share with our wonderful clients and friends.
We are battling a significant health issue in the family and owing to it’s seriousness and requirements we will have extremely limited capacity to fulfill orders for water delivery.

Hopefully this will only last a month or so and we can transition back to full service as soon as possible.
Please bear with us during this difficult time and we look forward to your support on the other side of this dilemma.

In the meantime if you need water, please ensure you use one of the other fantastic licensed and registered water carters in our region.

Remote tank filling

Do you have a tank that’s difficult to get to?
Access for trucks not practical?
Planning a new tank in a discreet location?
Have you considered a remote fill point to solve access issues and make tank filling safer?

If you answer yes to any of the above, then we may have a deal for you.
We currently have for sale some pipe and fittings excess from a recent project, all parts are brand new, the pipe has just been unrolled to relieve the stress (straighten it out / uncoil it).
1 x 100 meter high pressure 75mm blue-line pipe
1 x 75mm compression fitting @ 2″ BSP male
1 x 75mm compression fitting @ 3″ BSP male

Please contact us if you are interested and we can work out a deal.

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

Legal protections as a food product

Did you know that water as a bulk delivery is defined and protected under law as a food product?

This means that water carters are required to be licensed and registered and all equipment used has to be food grade (not just “suitable for water”). The trucks are required to be licensed as mobile food premises and operated and maintained as such at all times.

Just like any food premises, our certificates and approvals are carried on board at all times and are always available for viewing by our customers, right down to the food grade hose approvals.

Always use a licensed and registered water carter. Water water water is licensed and registered to bring drinking water to you, compliant with the Food Act 2011 & Safe Drinking Water Act 2003.

Water water water will only ever bring you certified, safe drinking water from approved supply points, we take our legal responsibilities and our duty of care to your family’s health very seriously. Our truck and systems are built and operated to the highest standard for your health and safety, we are damn proud of it and will never waiver.

WWW Food License 2018 2nd page only-page-001

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

Summer Special time

Summer Special !!

The temperature is rising, the grass is drying and your teeth are gritty from the dust- it must be Summer Special time for new pools!

This Summer Omo’s friends are offering a special deal for the (soon to be) cool people who are installing new pools in readiness for the hot periods ahead. Fill your new pool to the brim with our certified drinking water and save stress, worry and money. Swimmable as soon as it’s filled, or like a few days ago the kids were in before we’d finished!

On offer is $20 off every load for the smaller pools under 50,000 litres, increasing to $30 off for the larger pools of 50,000 litres or more. There’s no upper limit on the discount, if you can build it we can fill it! This offer is for all new pool fills during Summer.

This offer does not affect your ability to claim a concession rebate. As always water water water assists eligible concession holders to access available rebates on water. If you are unsure just ask us on site and we can provide the eligibility criteria and supply the forms for your claim.



water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

It’s the Festive Season!

Please enjoy a safe and happy festive season this year !!

We will be enjoying a Christmas feast at home, we will be around throughout the festive season and available to help you with any water needs.

Stay safe, stay well, stay hydrated

 Christmas truck

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

Omo’s Spring Special !!

The bulbs are out, the peach tree buds have burst, the bees are loving the maple trees, it’s Spring Special time for new tanks!

This Spring Omo is offering a special deal for the smart people who are installing new tanks in readiness for the dry periods ahead. Fill your new tank to the brim with our certified drinking water and save stress, worry and money.

Omo is offering $20 off every load for the smaller tanks under 100,000 litres, increasing to $30 off for the larger tanks of 100,000 litres or more. There’s no upper limit on the discount, if you can build it Omo can fill it! This offer is for all new tank fills during Spring.

This offer does not affect your ability to claim a concession rebate. As always water water water assists eligible concession holders to access available rebates on water. If you are unsure just ask us on site and we can provide the eligibility criteria and supply the forms for your claim.


water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

A win for access and safety in the Macedon Ranges!!

Did you know that up until now the standards for road access in our shire didn’t meet the minimum vegetation clearance required for our emergency access, with the lower categories of roads and fire access tracks specified and maintained at much lower clearances than the CFA required 4 meters high by 4 meters wide.

This also meant that standard size vehicles, both light and heavy, couldn’t access the shire safely and without unnecessary damage to vehicles. The current laws allow standard vehicle combinations up to 4.6 meters high.

Omo wanted to try and improve this situation for all residents and she organised us to make a submission to the road management plan. As it turns out we were the only submission and thus it was a long shot to impart some much-needed change and improvements. Our full range of suggestions weren’t incorporated BUT we had a win and have laid the groundwork and presented the evidence for future further improvement.

The new MRSC road management plan sets the minimum clearance for all roads and fire access tracks at 4 meters stepping up to 4.5 and then 5 meters depending on the category and heavy vehicle usage.

This is also a good time to remind everyone that the 4 x 4 meter clearance minimum also applies to private property, if the CFA can’t get in safely then we can’t either when you need us.

Please like and share this post to let everyone know what we’ve achieved for community access and safety, it is Omo’s end-of-winter special gift to the community!


water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

Go away storms!

Omo is convinced the storm cells can smell the hot wash being used! Dalis has a date with the business awards judges – wish us luck!!


[Image: The water water water truck Dalis is facing to the right under very dark and menacing storm clouds.]

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

The new big kid on the block

Omo and Dalis got up close and personal with the new big kid on the block today, the new 50,000 litre Polymaster tank. It’s a damn big unit and looks very well made.

Today’s load was a ballast load to ensure the new tank doesn’t move in the wind and storms, it is always good practice to make sure any new tank has water in it straight away once it is in position.

Omo can coordinate with your tank supplier or repairer so that you can have water safely delivered by water water water, compliant with the the Food Act 2011 & Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 as part of your installation project.


[Image: The water water water truck Dalis is facing the camera, on the left hand side of a large cream coloured tank.]

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds

Omo wonders why she is thirsty

Omo wonders why she is thirsty, reviewing the weather data for our region reveals that we have had an overall dry start to the year and one of the driest starts to winter on record.
Omo has received lots of urgent calls from clients who have run dry, she reminds them that they aren’t silly and lots of people are getting caught out.
Omo reassures them that she can dispatch the truck to their place in a hurry, so that you can have water safely delivered by water water water, compliant with the the Food Act 2011 & Safe Drinking Water Act 2003


Thirsty Omo
[Image: A white cat called Omo is looking at the camera and sticking her tongue out because she is thirsty.]

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds