A win for access and safety in the Macedon Ranges!!

Did you know that up until now the standards for road access in our shire didn’t meet the minimum vegetation clearance required for our emergency access, with the lower categories of roads and fire access tracks specified and maintained at much lower clearances than the CFA required 4 meters high by 4 meters wide.

This also meant that standard size vehicles, both light and heavy, couldn’t access the shire safely and without unnecessary damage to vehicles. The current laws allow standard vehicle combinations up to 4.6 meters high.

Omo wanted to try and improve this situation for all residents and she organised us to make a submission to the road management plan. As it turns out we were the only submission and thus it was a long shot to impart some much-needed change and improvements. Our full range of suggestions weren’t incorporated BUT we had a win and have laid the groundwork and presented the evidence for future further improvement.

The new MRSC road management plan sets the minimum clearance for all roads and fire access tracks at 4 meters stepping up to 4.5 and then 5 meters depending on the category and heavy vehicle usage.

This is also a good time to remind everyone that the 4 x 4 meter clearance minimum also applies to private property, if the CFA can’t get in safely then we can’t either when you need us.

Please like and share this post to let everyone know what we’ve achieved for community access and safety, it is Omo’s end-of-winter special gift to the community!


water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds