Legal protections as a food product

Did you know that water as a bulk delivery is defined and protected under law as a food product?

This means that water carters are required to be licensed and registered and all equipment used has to be food grade (not just “suitable for water”). The trucks are required to be licensed as mobile food premises and operated and maintained as such at all times.

Just like any food premises, our certificates and approvals are carried on board at all times and are always available for viewing by our customers, right down to the food grade hose approvals.

Always use a licensed and registered water carter. Water water water is licensed and registered to bring drinking water to you, compliant with the Food Act 2011 & Safe Drinking Water Act 2003.

Water water water will only ever bring you certified, safe drinking water from approved supply points, we take our legal responsibilities and our duty of care to your family’s health very seriously. Our truck and systems are built and operated to the highest standard for your health and safety, we are damn proud of it and will never waiver.

WWW Food License 2018 2nd page only-page-001

water water water – water delivery and water cartage – Kyneton, Macedon Ranges & surrounds